Keeping Fire Ants Away From Outdoor Lighting

Posted on: 6 October 2016

Outdoor lighting can increase the safety and security of your home. However, they are susceptible to damage from a variety of environmental elements. One of biggest banes of an outdoor light's life is fire ants. These pests are attracted to the warmth of the lights, and the magnetic field emitted by them can cause ant eggs to grow faster. However, they can do a lot of damage to equipment including destroying cords, plugs, and wires.
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Simple Steps That Will Help Keep Your Back Yard Mosquito-Free

Posted on: 6 October 2016

If you have been noticing an abundance of mosquitoes in your backyard, you are most likely concerned about the situation as they are inclined to bite those in their vicinity. To avoid having to battle these pesky insects each time you go outside, try some of the following methods to remove them and deter them from the area altogether. Remove Attractive Sources Of Moisture Mosquitoes tend to stay in areas where pooling water is present as they use it as a spot where they prefer to lay eggs.
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Stinging Insects You'll Want to Avoid Around Your Home

Posted on: 6 October 2016

When the spring weather comes and flowers start blooming, stinging insects will become more noticeable around your home. Small stings from these insects will send half a million people to their local ER each year, which is why you may want to eliminate them if they are nesting nearby. Here is what you need to know about some common pests that love to sting. The Building of Nests The warm weather triggers insects to look for a home for the colony of insects and their queen.
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Important Benefits Of Pest Control Services During The Winter

Posted on: 4 October 2016

If you are planning to stop your pest control services when the days get shorter and colder, doing so is not always your best choice. Although many of the pests that cause such a problem during the rest of the year disappear during the winter, pests like roaches and mice can still be a problem, even on the coldest days. Therefore, the following information will be very useful when you are making your plans for the coming cold season.
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