How To Prevent And Eliminate Cockroaches

Posted on: 28 September 2016

Cockroaches are the quintessential pest: plentiful, disgusting, and disease-carrying. They can survive for a very long time, and can breed faster than you can kill them. Thankfully, there are a number of things which you can do to help prevent and remove cockroaches if they do manage to make their way into your apartment or house. Cover Food The main reason cockroaches would be attracted into your home is food or drinks that are left out and uncovered.
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Tips For Keeping Termites From Damaging Your Home

Posted on: 28 September 2016

If your home is in an area where termites are a problem, then you will be pleased to learn that there are many things you can do to keep them away from your home. This is very important because left on their own, a colony of termites can eat their way through the wood structure of your home, its deck, and the wooden fences on your property in just a few years.
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Top 4 Bed Bug Control Tips

Posted on: 28 September 2016

Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex lectularius, are tiny brown insects that typically come out at night to feed on the blood of a host. These tiny bugs are usually rusty red or brown in color and round in shape. It is important to be able to identify bed bugs, so you know if you indeed have an infestation, or you're actually fighting a different insect, such as a flea. Once you have confirmed the presence of bed bugs, you'll need to follow a few tips to control them.
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2 Tips For Preventing A Spider Infestation

Posted on: 26 September 2016

Spiders are one of the worst types of infestations for many people to deal with, mostly because of how frightening they can be to most people and the fact that some varieties can be quite dangerous. Listed below are two tips for preventing a spider infestation from taking root within your home. Eliminate Entry Points One of the easiest ways to keep spiders out of your home and preventing an infestation is to find and seal off any potential entry points.
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