Stinging Insects You'll Want to Avoid Around Your Home

Posted on: 6 October 2016


When the spring weather comes and flowers start blooming, stinging insects will become more noticeable around your home. Small stings from these insects will send half a million people to their local ER each year, which is why you may want to eliminate them if they are nesting nearby. Here is what you need to know about some common pests that love to sting.

The Building of Nests

The warm weather triggers insects to look for a home for the colony of insects and their queen. Within a couple of weeks, thousands of insects could have created a nest and be living in it. If you can find the nest being built in the early stages, it's advised to have a local pest service remove the nest before the entire colony makes it their home.

Pests To Watch Out For

Insects have their own nesting preferences and personalities, and seeing just a couple of them doesn't always mean that a nest will be nearby. Be concerned when you see groups of the insects that look like workers bringing back food to a nest.


Bees like to have shelter, so they build their nests in a tree, attic, or in a small crevice. They are usually calm, until they believe their queen's life is in danger. A bee stings only once before it dies, but they can attack in a large number which makes them dangerous.

Bees do provide pollination benefits to the environment, so it is ideal to keep bees alive when removing the hive. Have a local beekeeper do it for you instead of attempting it yourself.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets look like bees, but their bodies are longer and they have an antenna. They form nests under rotting wood, in a decaying tree, or underground. Nests are around for a single season, and then abandoned before the winter to decay.

This insect is not aggressive unless it is disturbed, and then they will try to sting you multiple times. When you see a yellow jacket in the soil, look to see if it goes into a nest underground to locate the hive. They do have multiple entrances to the hive, so avoid destroying the opening yourself. Contact a pest removal company to get rid of it for you.

For tips on how to deal with other insects that sting, ask a local pest removal company like Source Pest Control about what you should do.