Ridding Your Home Of Fleas In Their Entirety

Posted on: 22 September 2016


If you have a new pet in your home and you have been battling a flea problem that doesn't seem to want to go away, you will need to take proactive steps in eradicating these bloodsucking parasites in their entirety. Here are some tips you can use in an attempt to eliminate a flea problem from your pet, your home, and your property altogether.

Treat Your Pet First

It is important that your pet is treated with an appropriate flea deterrent so fleas in your home or yard do not cause another infestation within their fur. There are several flea solutions on the market. One of the best types is a solution you place at the nape of your pet's neck. This keeps the pet from ingesting the medication in the solution. The solution will make its way into your pet's skin and give it several weeks to a month of protection from fleas. Take your pet to a veterinarian to have an evaluation and to purchase this medication if desired.

Combat Your Home Next

After your pet is treated and finally finding some relief, it will be time to take control of the flea problem in your home. Flea eggs can live for several months inside a home, causing the risk of an infestation in the future if they are not removed. Vacuum all floors, whether carpeted or not, to remove any larvae, eggs, or stray fleas. Place a flea collar in your vacuum cleaner bag or canister to help slow down fleas that become trapped inside so when you dispose of the contents you do not risk them jumping back onto the floor. Wash your pets' bedding, as well as your own if your pet sleeps on your bed, in the highest temperature setting on your washing machine. Dry on a hot setting in your dryer afterward.

If you do not find fleas to dwindle with regular cleaning, consider calling a flea exterminator to tend to your home. They would use a flea bombing agent to kill any stragglers so fleas are no longer a nuisance. They would also have treatment options available for your lawn if necessary.

Tackle The Outdoors

To make sure fleas do not become a problem again in the future, it will be necessary to keep giving your pet flea treatments throughout the warmer months. There is, however, a risk of you bringing a flea inside your home on your own body if they are a problem in your yard. To minimize fleas in your lawn, take the time to cut it often so fleas do not have a lot of area to hide. They tend to stay in areas where shade is present, making long blades of glass desirable to hide beneath. Consider using beneficial nematodes in your yard to keep fleas from thriving. These small worms are harmless to your property as well as your pet and people living in the home. They will eat fleas as well as other harmful garden pests.